Gay But Not Yet Equal

When a few gym goers complained about another patron's "gay" tank top, they did not know that their complaint would launch a campaign for equality. In the event, the management of EnergyOne Gym at Singapore's Mount Faber SAFRA Club ruled that Jee Leong Koh did not break any gym rules by wearing his tank top, with the words "Gay But Not Yet Equal" on the front and "Equality for All" on the back, and so allowed him to continue to patronize the gym in his attire. The incident, which happened in July 2017, was reported in the local and international press. 6 months later, Koh was giving out free tank tops with the same wording to anyone who would wear and share with the hashtag #gaybutnotyetequal.

Many diverse people turned up at Artistry Cafe on December 24 and at Intermission Bar - at The Projector on December 25 to collect their tank tops, including a British writer and a straight ally. It was primarily to the local gay community that the campaign appealed, so it was especially heartening to have Nora and Ryvre from She+Pride and Zen from Singapore Men's Chorus donning the top and posing for photographs, as well as private citizens. US-based director Mei Ann Teo was back home for the holidays and came for a tank top too. Local filmmaker David Reddy also showed up for the campaign. Both artists demonstrated the vitality of the link between politics and the arts.

Singapore Unbound thanks Prashant and the staff at Artistry and Intermission for their warm hospitality. Big thanks too to all who came and stood up for equality. Enjoy the slideshow. If you like what we do in support of equal rights for all, please consider making a generous donation.